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Ways to Save Money Shopping MallThis Christmas Shopping Season is around the corner. Buying Christmas gifts is something on a lot of lists. Giving gifts makes us feel good. Looking at what was spent during the holidays, not so much. Here are some ways to save money on Christmas gifts. Now, you don’t have to feel like a Grinch this year after the gift spending totals are in. 


Ways to Save Money Before Starting your Christmas Shopping



Put some money aside each month throughout the year for Christmas. Some banks still have Christmas Club accounts where the money sits until the holiday season. If your bank doesn’t have this option put your money into your own savings account. When the season arrives, you already have part or all of your Christmas budget ready to go.


Set Limits

In addition to budgeting how much you spend on Christmas gifts, you also need to set limits. Set an amount for how much will you spend on each person as well as total amount for how much you will spend on gifts.


Don’t Use Credit Cards

You’ve saved up money for buying gifts so pay in cash. For online purchases, pay the full amount of the gift cost back to your credit card when the statement arrives. Paying interest on Christmas gifts extends the amount of what you’ve spent on the season.


Make a List with Notes

Regardless on if you start in January or November make a list of who you are buying gifts for. The list should have notes like gift ideas, prices, where to buy, and any other bits of info you need. Sticking with your list will save you money and stress when shopping.


Sign up for Emails

Your favorite stores love when you get their emails. They’re full of discounts and coupons.  Those coupons and discounts are for USING.  Print them out or put them on your phone and have them with you at the store. You’re shopping there already so use them and get the best price available.


Ways to Save Money While Christmas Shopping in Stores


Take Advantage of In-Store Sales

Buy One Get One Free. Percentage off sales. In store coupons. These offers are great when we need something for ourselves so use those sales when buying gifts too.  Last year, when boxes of chocolate went on sale buy 2 get 3 free, I bought some. 5 gifts were done and out of the way for the price of two.


Check out the Clearance Section

Take a minute to check out the clearance sections of stores.  There are good finds on those racks and shelves. Maybe you’ll find an gift or two at a fraction of the original cost.


Use Gift Cards

Gift cards often go unused or forgotten. If you’re not using them for yourself then use them to buy gifts for Christmas. You could also regift an unwanted card to someone on your list.

If you find yourself shopping at one store for multiple gifts look into buying used gift cards.  Sites like and Giftcardgranny sell used gift cards at a discount.  Discount percentages vary from a few percent up to 50% or more.  These sites are great for restaurant gift cards as well.


Ways to Save Money While Christmas Shopping Online


Save Gas

If you shop online you’re probably doing it from the comfort of your house. You’re not driving all over town and are saving money by not filling up your gas tank.


Use a Credit Card that Pays you Back

I know I said don’t use credit cards a few tips ago, but you can’t pay online retailers in cash. Use a card that offers points or percentages of cash back for what you purchase. You’re still saving money because you’re earning points or cash back. Remember, pay the Christmas shopping balance off when the statement arrives.


Shop Around

Online prices vary as much as in store prices. Research before clicking the “buy now” button.  Amazon is great but not always the cheapest. Neither is Walmart.

I recently bought wiper blades for my car. Advanced Auto parts wanted $31.00 for the pair I was looking at.  Amazon had them priced at $18.86. I ended up going with  Target Red card members get free shipping and an additional 5% off. My total was $12.85 shipped to my house. They we’re ordered Tuesday and arrived on Thursday. My 10 minutes of research saved me $18.15!


Shop Cyber Monday

Save your online purchasing until Cyber Monday. Free shipping is all over the internet on Cyber Monday. Places that don’t always offer it to their customers offer it on this day as well.  Sleep in on Black Friday and get your shopping done on this day instead. The crowds of people and traffic is better this day, I promise!


There’s an App for That

There are a ton of apps that save money when shopping online.  A couple that I like are Ibotta and Ebates.

Ibotta – I’ve written about Ibotta before and how it works HERE. It’s not only good for groceries but online shopping as well. You save a percentage of your total spent at the online store. Click the store you’re shopping in the app and get directed to the store through Ibotta. Then you make your purchases as normal. The savings will be added to your Ibotta app.

Ebates –  Ebates works like Ibotta. At the end of each quarter they send you a check or PayPal payment on what you saved going through the site.


Other Ways to Save Money on Christmas Gifts


Have a Family Name Exchange

For large families, think about putting everyone’s name in a hat and have a gift exchange. Buying for one or two people is less costly and everyone still has something to open.


Give a Family Gift

How about one gift the entire family can enjoy? Maybe a new boardgame. A family membership to a local museum or zoo is great as well.  This option offers a gift the entire family can enjoy together and easily saves your spending and buying multiple gifts.


Homemade Gifts

If you’re crafty, good at DIY, or know your way around the kitchen, make something homemade.  People love homemade gifts. I grow jalapenos and other spicy peppers in the summer and pickle them. A few of my friends don’t have to worry about making their own peppers because they usually get a jar as part of their Christmas gift. If you want to try my pickled peppers, you can find the recipe HERE.


Skip the Adults

I have a hard time coming up with gift ideas I want for myself during the Holidays.  I, like many adults, buy what I need and/or want throughout the year.  Try not buying for adults. Buy gifts for the children and enjoy the excitement of Christmas through their eyes.


Collect Free Samples

Free samples of items like shampoo and toothpaste make great stocking stuffers. You can sign up for them online, get them in the mail, and sometimes at the store. Don’t feel bad about using it as part of a gift. The person receiving the gift will be grateful when the next trip out of town comes along and they’re already prepared.


Give Cash…….Creatively

In my opinion, cash is an ok gift, but have fun with it. One year I received a wrapped box. In the box were multiple balloons that I had to pop to see what was in them.  Another year, I gave a gift of cash all in one-dollar bills. I taped them end to end and then rolled them up inside a toilet paper tube. They dispensed out like scotch tape. Everyone had a blast seeing how long it was going to take for the last bill to be dispensed.


Give Quality Time

We all have busy schedules.  In a fast-paced world, quality time suffers. Take an hour or two and give a loved one AND yourself a gift. Quality time. It doesn’t cost much and will be remembered long after the store-bought item is gone.


Ways to Save Money Christmas Tree at MallI hope you find some of these ways to save money helpful this year when shopping for Christmas gifts. Maybe it will take some stress out of the season and those good feelings will enter with you into the new year ahead.